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Opening hours:

Monday         9:00-13:00 und 15:00-18:00

Tuesday        9:00-13:00 und 15:00-18:00

Wednesday       9:00-13:00

Thursday     9:00-13:00 und 15:00-18:00

Friday          9:00-13:00


School center and administration
Maystrasse 6,

75172 Pforzheim


+49 (0)7231 4720910




Course rooms also in 

Kulturhaus Osterfeld

75172 Pforzheim
Osterfeldstr. 12 
and also hier :                

Stadtmission Pforzheim,

75175 Pforzheim

Sachsenstr. 30 


If you are coming without a car (free parking on the Messplatz), the best decision is to take S-Train Number S6 till "Maihälden" stop or the bus Number 1 or 10 - till "Maystrasse" stop.

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